BSc Agriculture Syllabus & Subjects 2024

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BSc Agriculture Syllabus & Subjects Overview

The BSc Agriculture syllabus and subjects are designed to prepare students to use modern agricultural techniques and technologies in the real world. The BSc Agriculture course syllabus emphasises practicality. Students in the BSc Agriculture programme study core and elective subjects over the course of four years. The BSc Agriculture course syllabus includes Genetics and Plant Breeding, Agricultural Microbiology, Soil Science, Entomology, Plant Pathology, and Agricultural Economics. There are numerous BSc Agriculture optional subjects to choose from, including Applied Horticulture, Mushroom Cultivation Technology, Technology and Seed Production, and Soil, Plant, Water, and Seed Testing. Although the BSc Agriculture syllabus varies by college, the following subjects are consistent.

The list of BSc Agriculture Subjects are:

  • Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics
  • Agronomy Basics
  • Fundamentals of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology
  • Fundamentals of Soil Science
  • Human Values and Ethics
  • Introduction to Forestry
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Organic Farming Fundamentals

The core subjects for a BSc in Agriculture include Crop Production Technology, Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Rainfed Agriculture and Watershed Management, Organic Farming, Livestock Breeding, Agriculture Finance, and Sheep, Goat, and Poultry Production. 

The BSc Agriculture Syllabus includes elective subjects such as Agricultural Journalism, Micropropagation Technologies, Protected Cultivation of Horticultural Crops, Weed Management, Agribusiness Management, and High Tech Horticulture.

The Bachelor of Science in Agriculture programme is organised into 15 departments, including Plant Pathology, Soil Science, Agronomy, Engineering, Entomology, Horticulture, Agricultural Economics, Common Courses, Elective Courses, Remedial Courses, Non-Gradial Courses, and Animal Husbandry and Dairy Science.

As is widely known, the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, or BSc Agriculture, is a four-year undergraduate programme that gives students the opportunity to specialise in Agricultural Science. Candidates who have completed Class 12 with a minimum of 50% in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and English may apply for this course. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research recognises the BSc Agriculture course as a professional degree in the field of Agricultural Science.

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BSc Agriculture Syllabus includes subjects like Soil Microbiology, Genetics, Plant Breeding, Plant Pathology,  Post Harvest Technology, etc.  BSc Agriculture Syllabus comprises class lessons, lab sessions, field trips, cattle training and  practical training. The entire BSc Agriculture Syllabus is divided into eight semesters. 


BSc Agriculture Syllabus & Subjects Highlights

The Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Syllabus is divided into eight semesters over a four-year period. The syllabus for the BSc Agriculture course covers a wide range of topics, including Agricultural Economics, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Agricultural Economics, Extension Education, Genetics and Plant Breeding, Agronomy, Horticulture, Soil Science, and so on.

Particulars Details 
Course NameBSc Agriculture 
Course Duration4 years 
Total Semesters8
BSc Agriculture Core Subjects
  • Fundamentals Of Agricultural Economics
  • Fundamentals Of Agronomy
  • Fundamentals Of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology
  • Fundamentals Of Soil Science
  • Human Values and Ethics
  • Introduction To Forestry
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Principles Of Organic Farming
  • Crop Improvement
BSc Agriculture Elective Subjects
  • Agri-Business Management
  • Crop Improvement and Food Safety
  • Integrated Crop Management
  • Applied Horticulture
  • Agro-industrial Training
  • Commercial Beekeeping
  • Mushroom Cultivation Technology
  • Seed Production and Technology
  • Soil, Plant, Water, and Seed Testing
  • Floriculture And Landscape Architecture
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BSc Agriculture Syllabus & Subjects - Detailed

Some of the common BSc Agriculture subjects covered in detail are highlighted in the table below:

BSc Agriculture SubjectsTopics Covered
Principles of Crop ProductionAgronomy's definition and scope Crop classification on various bases, general crop production principles such as climate, soil and its preparation, seed and seed sowing, post-sowing tillage, water management, nutrition, plant protection measures, harvesting, threshing, and storage, crop sequences and systems with an emphasis on a mixed cropping and inter cropping, and so on.
Fundamentals of Soil ScienceSoil Definition, Soil components and their role in agriculture Minerals and rocks that form soil Soil profile development, soil formation, soil formation factors, soil formation processes the soil reaction, its measurements, and its significance Soil physical properties and their significance Soil chemical properties, cation and anion exchange phenomena and their importance in agriculture, and so on.
Elements of GeneticsGenetics definition, significance, and historical development Mendel's Heredity Laws, Cell division, meiosis, and mitosis are all processes that occur in cells. Chromosomal inheritance theory, Mechanism and significance of linkage and crossing over-types Structure and replication of nucleic acid as genetic material Mutation—both spontaneous and induced, for example.
Agricultural MeteorologyDifferent agricultural meteorological variables, rainfall is a component of the hydrologic cycle. Precipitation types and forms, Definition, humidity, windvane, Anemo-meter Agroclimatic Zones in India, the fundamental concept of weather forecasting, for example.
Elementary Crop PhysiologyPlant physiology's role in agriculture Structure and function of cells, Diffusion, osmosis, plasmolysis, and imbibitions are examples of bio-physico-chemical phenomena. Water and mineral salt absorption Photosynthesis includes light and dark reactions, among other things.
Introductory Plant PhysiologyThe definition and significance of plant pathology, plant disease causes, Plant disease classification based on cause and occurrence, Pathogens of Plants, Spores of various types, Parasitism levels, for example.
Principles of Plant BreedingPlant breeding-history, goals, and scope Plant reproduction mode in relation to breeding techniques, Plant variation type and causes Genetic consequences of self-pollinated and cross-pollinated crops, for example.
Livestock Production and ManagementImportance of livestock in agriculture, livestock breeds and breeding methods and their consequences, pasture management, the importance of scientific feeding, and so on.
Introduction to Plant BiotechnologyPlant biotechnology definition and importance, plant tissue culture, cloning vectors for recombinant DNA, application of plant genetic engineering in crop improvement, and so on.
Other BSc Agriculture syllabus topics include Weed Management, Crop Diseases, Soil Microbiology, Soil Fertilizers, Horticulture, Silviculture and Agroforestry, Agricultural Economics, Seed Production Technology, and Post-Harvest Management.
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Specialisations Syllabus for Agriculture

The BSc Agriculture syllabus varies depending on the specialisation chosen by the student. Other subfields of Agricultural Science include agronomy, horticulture, plant pathology, entomology, soil science, food technology, agricultural economics, home science, fisheries, forestry, and veterinary science. Students may choose to specialise in these areas of study during their Agriculture Master's Degree programme. The BSc agriculture syllabus and subjects as listed below specialisation-wise. 

The Agriculture Specialisations Syllabus are:

A: Humanities and Basic Sciences

  • English Language Comprehension and Communication Abilities
  • Rural Sociology and India's Constitution
  • Psychology in Education
  • Computer Application Introduction

B: Agriculture Science (Agricultural Economics)

  • Agricultural Economics Principles
  •  Financial and Cooperative Principles
  • Production Economics and Farm Management
  • Essentials of Agricultural Business Management

C: Agricultural Engineering

  •  Engineering Theory for Soil and Water
  • Farm Equipment and Labor Protected Agricultural Structures and Processing
  • Sources of Energy and how they are used in Agriculture

D: Agricultural Entomology

  • Entomology in General
  • Economics of Insects
  • Crop Pests and how to control them
  • Sericulture

E: Agricultural Extension Education

  • Extension of Agriculture in different ways
  • Extension Strategies for Agricultural Technology Transfer
  • Entrepreneurship Growth and Communication Abilities

F: Agricultural Microbiology

  •  Agricultural Microbiology
  •  Soil Microbiology

G: Agricultural Statistics

  • Fundamentals Statistics

H: Agronomy

  • Introduction to Agriculture, Principles of Agronomy, and Agricultural Meteorology
  • Field Crops – 1 (Kharif)
  • Practical of Crop Production I
  • Practical of Crop Production II
  • Weed Management
  • Irrigation Water Management
  • Field Crop II (Rabi)
  • Rain-fed Agriculture and Watershed Management
  • Farming Systems, Organic Farming, and Sustainable Agriculture
  • Experimental Techniques in Agricultural Research I
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Semester Wise BSc Agriculture Syllabus

BSc Agriculture syllabus is divided into eight semesters or four years. As part of the BSc Agriculture course, aspirants can canvass, provoke, challenge, and question people, places, things, and structures, which helps them conceptualise and validate ideas. The BSc Agriculture syllabus includes both core and elective subjects. 

The following semester wise BSc Agriculture syllabus and subjects are listed below:

BSc Agriculture syllabus for Semester IBSc Agriculture syllabus for Semester II
Fundamentals of AgronomyFundamentals of Crop Physiology
Fundamentals of GeneticsFundamentals of Plant Biochemistry
Fundamentals of Soil ScienceFundamentals of Entomology-I
Fundamentals of HorticultureFundamentals of Agricultural Economics
Rural Sociology & Educational PsychologyPrinciples of Organic Farming
Introduction to ForestryFundamentals of Plant Pathology
Introductory Animal HusbandryProduction Technology for Vegetables and Spices
Comprehension & Communication Skills in EnglishFundamentals of Agricultural Extension Education
Agricultural HeritageFood Processing and Safety Issues
Introductory Biology or Basic Agriculture 1Human Values & Ethics
Elementary Mathematics or Basic Agriculture 2Soil and Water Conservation Engineering
BSc Agriculture syllabus for Semester IIIBSc Agriculture syllabus for Semester IV
Crop Production Technology 1 (Kharif crops)Crop Production Technology II (Rabi crops)
Practical Crop Production 1 (Kharif crops)Practical Crop Production II (Rabi crops)
Fundamentals of Plant BreedingPrinciples of Seed Technology
Agricultural MicrobiologyProblematic soils and their Management
Agricultural Finance and CooperationRenewable Energy and Green Technology
Farm Machinery and PowerProduction Technology for Ornamental Crops, MAP and Landscaping
Principles of Integrated Disease ManagementEntrepreneurship Development and Business Communication
Environmental Studies & Disaster ManagementIntroductory Agro-meteorology & Climate Change
Dairy SciencePoultry Production & Management
Fundamentals of Entomology-II-
BSc Agriculture syllabus for Semester VBSc Agriculture syllabus for Semester VI
Rainfed and dryland AgricultureFarming System, Precision Farming & Sustainable Agriculture
Crop Improvement-1 (Kharif crops)Crop Improvement-II (Rabi crops) 
Pests of Crops and Stored Grain and their Management Manures, Fertilizers and Soil Fertility Management 
Agricultural Marketing Trade & PricesFarm Management, Production & Resource Economics
Protected Cultivation and Secondary AgricultureDiseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their Management-II
Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their Management-IPost-harvest Management and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables
Production Technology for Fruit and Plantation CropsWatershed and Wasteland Management
Communication Skills and Personality DevelopmentBeneficial insects and Pest of Horticultural Crops and their Management 
Intellectual Property RightsElective-2
Principles of Food Science & NutritionEducational Tour
Geo-informatics and Nanotechnology-
BSc Agriculture syllabus for Semester VIIBSc Agriculture syllabus for Semester VIII
General orientation & On-campus training by different facultiesProduction Technology for Bioagents and Biofertilizer
Project Report Preparation, Presentation, and EvaluationSeed Production and Technology
-Mushroom Cultivation Technology
-Soil, Plant, Water, and Seed Testing
-Commercial Beekeeping
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BSc Agriculture Subjects

There are two types of BSc Agriculture subjects in the course: core subjects and elective subjects. Seminar paper submissions, projects, summer internships, dissertations, and other activities are all part of the BSc Agriculture syllabus. The BSc Agriculture syllabus is designed to ensure that students learn about topics in depth. Some BSc Agriculture subjects are listed below:

BSc Agriculture Core Subjects

BSc Agriculture Elective Subjects

  • Agricultural Economics Fundamentals
  • Fundamentals of Agronomy, Plant Biochemistry, and Biotechnology
  • Soil Science Fundamentals
  • Ethics and Human Values
  • Introduction to Forestry 
  • Intellectual Property Rights 
  • Organic Farming Principles 
  • Introduction to Forestry 
  • Agri-Business Administration
  • Crop Development and Food Safety
  • Agro-industrial Training 
  • Commercial Beekeeping 
  • Integrated Crop Management 
  • Applied Horticulture
  • Technology for Mushroom Cultivation
  • Technology And Seed Production
  • Testing of Soil, Plants, Water, and Seeds
  • Floriculture and Landscape Design

BSc Agriculture Lab Subjects

In the BSc Agriculture syllabus, projects are important. Projects help test the theoretical concepts in a practical situation because the design area is primarily practical. Here are a few well-liked project suggestions for BSc Agriculture syllabus:

  • Making A Solar-Powered Tea Leaf-Cutting Machine That Uses a Windmill for Electricity and Water Pumping
  • Manufacturing a Solar Seed Dryer
  •  Construction of a solar irrigation system, including D&F for a gas-powered sprayer
  • Construction of an automatic bottle washer and a solar seed sprayer
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Syllabus for BSc Agriculture Distance Programs

Distance learning for the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, or BSc Agriculture, is highly common in India. When doing the course via correspondence or distance learning, it takes 3 to 6 years to finish. To enroll in this course, one must hold a degree at the 10+2 level. Distance learning BSc Agriculture admission is typically based on merit. BSc in Agriculture distance learning course fee ranges between INR 6,000 and 20,000 per year.

The following is the BSc Agriculture Distance Education syllabus:

BSc Agriculture Distance Education 1st Year Syllabus 
Semester ISemester II
Fundamentals of AgronomyFundamentals of Crop Physiology
Fundamentals of GeneticsFundamentals of Plant Biochemistry
Fundamentals of Soil ScienceFundamentals of Entomology-I
Fundamentals of HorticultureFundamentals of Agricultural Economics
Rural Sociology & Educational PsychologyPrinciples of Organic Farming
Introduction to ForestryFundamentals of Plant Pathology
Introductory Animal HusbandryProduction Technology for Vegetables and Spices
Comprehension & Communication Skills in EnglishFundamentals of Agricultural Extension Education
Agricultural HeritageFood Processing and Safety Issues
Introductory Biology or Basic Agriculture 1Human Values & Ethics
Elementary Mathematics or Basic Agriculture 2Soil and Water Conservation Engineering
BSc Agriculture Distance Education 2nd Year Syllabus
Semester IIISemester IV
Crop Production Technology 1 (Kharif crops)Crop Production Technology II (Rabi crops)
Practical Crop Production 1 (Kharif crops)Practical Crop Production II (Rabi crops)
Fundamentals of Plant BreedingPrinciples of Seed Technology
Agricultural MicrobiologyProblematic Soils and their Management
Agricultural Finance and CooperationRenewable Energy and Green Technology
Farm Machinery and PowerProduction Technology for Ornamental Crops, MAP, and Landscaping
Principles of Integrated Disease ManagementEntrepreneurship Development and Business Communication
Environmental Studies & Disaster ManagementIntroductory Agro-meteorology & Climate Change
Dairy SciencePoultry Production & Management
Fundamentals of Entomology-II
BSc Agriculture Distance Education 3rd Year Syllabus
Semester VSemester VI
Rainfed and dryland AgricultureFarming System, Precision Farming & Sustainable Agriculture
Crop Improvement-1 (Kharif crops)Crop Improvement-II (Rabi crops)
Pests of Crops and Stored Grain and their ManagementManures, Fertilizers, and Soil Fertility Management
Agricultural Marketing Trade & PricesFarm Management, Production & Resource Economics
Protected Cultivation and Secondary AgricultureDiseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their Management-II
Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their Management-IPost-harvest Management and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables
Production Technology for Fruit and Plantation CropsWatershed and Wasteland Management
Communication Skills and Personality DevelopmentBeneficial Insects and Pest of Horticultural Crops and their Management
Intellectual Property RightsElective-2
Principles of Food Science & NutritionEducational Tour
Geo-informatics and Nanotechnology
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BSc Agriculture Entrance Exam Syllabus

Different colleges have different BSc Agriculture admissions processes. Some students are admitted through a written exam or a face-to-face interview. Some candidates are admitted based on their performance in the BSc Agriculture Entrance Exams, and they are counselled afterward.

KEAMMP PATBCECEICAR AIEEAAP EAMCET, and other common entrance exams are examples. Typically, the curriculum includes Physics, Chemistry, Math, and Biology, as well as an agricultural component. Agriculture is not included in all entrance exams, but it is included in some, such as CGPAT.

For admission to BSc Agriculture programmes, entrance exams typically cover the following subjects and curriculum:


It covers subjects like Dimensional Analysis, Kinematics, Waves and Oscillations, Gravitation, Electrostatics, Thermodynamics, etc.


It covers subjects like General and Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, etc.


It covers subjects like Botany, Developmental Biology and Genetics, Taxonomy Evolution, Economic Zoology, Communicable Diseases, etc.


It covers subjects like Algebra, Trigonometry, Differential Equations, Numerical Methods, Linear Programming, etc.


It includes topics from Agricultural Physics, Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Mathematics, etc.

BSc Agriculture Method of Subject Assessment

Several factors, including presentation, project work, report writing abilities, etc., are taken into consideration when evaluating BSc Agriculture subjects.

Take a look at the following table to learn about the parameters that make up this course's assessment scheme, which is essentially followed by every college:

Project Planning and WritingPresentation
Monthly AssessmentOutput delivery
Business networking skillsReport Writing Skills
Technical Skill DevelopmentFinal Presentation
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BSc Agriculture Important Books

Reference books play an important role in an aspirant's learning ability. The more reference books an aspirant read, the better their understanding of the subject. Some popular reference books for the BSc Agriculture syllabus are listed below:

Name of the BookName of the Author
History of AgricultureM.S. Randhawa
The Future of Indian AgricultureY.K. Alagh
Principles of AgronomyS.R. Reddy
The Nature and Properties of SoilN.C. Brady and Ray Weil
Principles of Vegetable ProductionS.P. Singh
Land and Water Management EngineeringV.V.N. Murty
The Insects: Structure and FunctionR.F. Chapman
Principles of Plant BreedingR.W. Allard
Plant PhysiologyR.K. Sinha
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BSc Agriculture Course Structure

BSc Agriculture syllabus focuses on developing a holistic understanding of agriculture. The BSc Agriculture course structure includes projects, group discussions, research papers, and internships, as well as theoretical and practical knowledge. There is also the benefit of selecting electives. As a result, aspirants can select their preferred BSc Agriculture subjects. The following are the BSc in Agriculture syllabus:

  • Core and Elective Subjects
  • Semesters (IV)
  • Project Work
  • Research Papers Work
  • Surveys Projects
  • Seminars
  • Practical
  • Thesis Writing
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FAQs about B.Sc Agriculture Syllabus

What subjects are covered in the fourth year of a BSc Agriculture?

Principles of Integrated Pest and Disease Management, Manures, Fertilisers, and Soil Fertility Management, Pests of Crops and Stored Grain and their Management, Crop Improvement-I, Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops and their Management-II, Rainfield Agriculture & Watershed Management, and other topics are covered in the fourth year of the BSc Agriculture programme.

What subjects are covered in the third year of a BSc Agriculture?

The third year of the BSc Agriculture programme includes both core and elective subjects. Some of the important topics covered include integrated pest disease management, manures, fertilisers, rain field agriculture, beneficial insect management, organic farming, and so on. 

What subjects are covered in the second year of the BSc Agriculture?

Crop Production Technology, Production Technology for Vegetables and Spices, Fruit and Plantation Crops, Farming System & Sustainable Agriculture, Livestock and Poultry Management, and other BSc Agriculture subjects are covered in the second year.

What are the BSc Agriculture subjects in the first year?

In the first-year students learn about BSc Agriculture subjects such as Agriculture Heritage, Agricultural Microbiology, Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics, Fundamentals of Crop Physiology, Fundamentals of Agronomy, Fundamentals of Entomology, Fundamentals of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, etc.

Can I combine PCB with a BSc in Agriculture?

You can pursue a BSc in Agriculture through PCB or PCM, yes. The most crucial factor in this situation is the institute you choose.

What is the best Agri course?

The following are the top agricultural courses:
BSc Agriculture (Hons)
BSc Agricultural Science
BSc Agronomy and Soils
BSc Precision Agriculture
BSc Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security

Does the BSc in Agriculture include Maths?

No, taking mathematics is not required for a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture degree. You are free to drop Maths, but you should still excel in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

How many different types of BSc Agriculture are there?

Agronomy, Horticulture, Plant Pathology, Entomology, Soil Science, Food Technology, Agricultural Economics, Home Science, Fisheries, Forestry, and Veterinary Science are other subfields of Agricultural Science. During their Master's Degree programme, students might choose to specialise in these areas of study.

Can I get a BSc in Agriculture without taking an entrance exam?

Yes, not all colleges or institutes require the entrance examination. Many BSc Agriculture colleges accept students on the basis of merit.

Which group in BSc Agriculture is the easiest?

Some students find it easier to study practical’s than theories in BSc Agriculture syllabus. So, it is entirely up to the student to determine which of the five subjects’ groups in the BSc Agriculture syllabus he or she finds easiest.

Does BSc Agriculture have good scope for the future?

Yes, agriculture is evolving into a more modern, research-based, and technological industry. Transforming farm structures, changing demographics in the food production sector, emerging biotechnology techniques, and resource management strategies all play important roles in food production and management processes.Despite being the world's largest employer and contributor to GDP, the agriculture sector remains unskilled. Agricultural experts are more needed than ever with global warming and climate change. As a result, even if other sectors are downsizing, this sector will continue to employ many people at high wages. Following graduation, students can pursue a Masters in Agricultural Sciences, Master in Sciences (MSc) in fields such as Biotechnology, Rural Banking, International Agribusiness, and so on, or an MBA in Agriculture.

How many papers are there in the BSc Agriculture programme?

Mainly students will be appearing for the following examinations as per the BSc Agriculture syllabus:Theory and PracticalPlant Genetics, Agricultural Meteorology, Food Technology, Horticulture, Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Entomology, Extension of Agriculture, Genetics, Soil Science, Agricultural Economics, Plant Breeding, Plant Pathology, Agriculture Engineering, and Sericulture are some of the major BSc Agriculture examination subjects.

What if I fail my BSc Agriculture exam?

If a student fails the BSc Agriculture examination, he or she must sit for the exam again. They will now administer the exam as a supplementary exam, which they must pass in order to receive the course diploma or certificate.

What is a good score for a BSc in agriculture?

The greater the percentage, the better. However, in BSc Agriculture subjects, a score of 60% or higher is considered good.

What are the overall BSc Agriculture marks?

The total marks in BSc Agriculture course subjects are tabulated below:SNo. Subjects No of Questions Marks1. Physics, 30, 302. Chemistry, 30, 303. Mathematics, 30, 304. Agriculture, 60, 60Total, 150, 150

BSc Agriculture: Is the First Year Hard?

No, it is not usually the case as the BSc Agriculture subjects covered under I year are not very tough, but the level of difficulty varies from student to student. Some people find it easy, while others find it difficult, but it is usually considered moderate.

What are the first-year courses in BSc Agriculture?

In the first-year students learn about BSc Agriculture subjects such as Agriculture Heritage, Agricultural Microbiology, Fundamentals of Agricultural Economics, Fundamentals of Crop Physiology, Fundamentals of Agronomy, Fundamentals of Entomology, Fundamentals of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Fundamentals of Genetics, Fundamentals of Soil Science, Fundamentals of Horticulture, Human Values and Ethics, Soil and Water Conservation Engineering.

What Entrance exams are needed for admission?

Some universities or colleges require the BCECE, MP PAT, ICAR AIEEA, AP EAMCET Entrance examination as part of the admissions process.

Is math in the 12th grade required for admission to this programme?

Yes, according to the eligibility criteria of some universities or institutions, candidates must take math as a mandatory subject.

How much does a BSc in Agriculture placement package typically include?

The average annual placement package for a BSc Agriculture graduate will range between INR 5 – INR 6 LPA.

Does the Curriculum offer a Summer Internship?

Yes, some students prefer summer internships at various companies to put their newly acquired theory into practice.

What is the typical course fee for this degree?

The BSc course fee for the program varies depending upon the institution/college. The average annual BSc Agriculture fee usually ranges between INR 2 L – INR 2.5 LPA.

Which universities offer a BSc in Agriculture?

BSc Agriculture course information is available from a number of prestigious institutes. According to NIRF Rankings, the following are the top ten BSc Agriculture colleges in India:1 Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture & Technology Pantnagar2 Junagadh Agricultural University3 Chandigarh University4 Shivaji University5 Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology Bhubaneswar6 University of Agricultural Sciences Dharwad7 Annamalai University8 Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education Krishnankovil9 Siksha O Anusandhan University10 Bharath University
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Popular Courses

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All About BSc Agriculture

The BSc Agriculture is  four-year UG programme covers all agricultural science methodologies and procedures. A BSc in Agriculture degree has a bright future ahead of it.  Jobs requiring a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture include those for plant breeders, seed technologists, agricultural officers, and agricultural analysts. Following the completion of the degree candidates can ear between INR 3.40 - 5.20 LPA.

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Top BSc Agriculture Colleges in India

The list of the top BSc Agriculture colleges in India with an average fee structure is provided below.

Top BSc Agriculture CollegesAverage Fee
Banaras Hindu UniversityINR 35 K
VIT VelloreINR 4.4 L
Parul UniversityINR 3.9 L
Haridwar UniversityINR 2.9 L 
SOA University - Shiksha ‘O’ AnusandhanINR 7 L
Amity University, NoidaINR 4 - 5 L
KL (Deemed to be University)INR 8.5 L
Lovely Professional UniversityINR 4.5 L

Note: The figures mentioned above are subject to change.

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